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Thanks for completing the assessment quiz {First Name (First):1738.1}.

You can see your score overview below, along with key areas of improvement and next steps.

HR is an essential part of running a successful business. A good HR foundation ensures compliance, but more importantly, supports a business and provides greater protection and flexibility.

This HR foundation starts with your contracts of employment and HR policies and procedures (or employee handbook).

It includes making sure the HR administration is effective and efficient; from monitoring absence and holiday through to managing employee data.

Your Results

{First Name (First):1738.1}, your overall score is: {Simplified Current Total:58}%

{Results text 0-25:77}{Results text 26-50:80}{Results text 51-75:79}{Results text 51-75:1914}

{Key Area(s) of Improvement Title:1899}

{Topic 1 Key Area of Improvement:1691}
{Topic 2 Key Area of Improvement:1823}
{Topic 3 Key Area of Improvement:1699}
{Topic 4 Key Area of Improvement:1861}
{Topic 5 Key Area of Improvement:1839}
{Topic 6 Key Area of Improvement:1840}
{Topic 7 Key Area of Improvement:1723}
{Topic 8 Key Area of Improvement:1707}
{All topics have 100% scored - Message:1867}

Next Step

So how can you avoid HR problems?

The good news is that all these HR problems are avoidable if you have good HR foundations and the right systems and processes in place.

Our HR Portals,, have everything you need and covers the following :

    1. Guaranteed compliance with employment law with real time updates to policy documents.
    2. Your employee handbook online with all your HR content written by HR experts and tailored to your business.
    3. An online induction process for new starters so they get all the information they need
    4. Bespoke drafting of contract of employment to provide the best protection and flexibility
    5. A central reference point for employees for everything HR available 24/7 and automated communications when there are changes
    6. A database to streamline your HR administration, store employee files and make sure you are meeting data protection requirements
    7. A holiday and absence management system to ensure you keep accurate records and highlight any problem areas.
    8. A wellbeing area with signposting, links, videos and tools, with regular notifications and reminders.

An HR Portal is a great strategy and tool to help you manage HR, particularly if you don’t have the expertise in house or do not have the time needed to ‘do it yourself’.

Even experienced HR professionals value the clarity and time saving that brings as it frees them up to focus on other areas of HR.

We offer a free, up to 1-hour, HR Discovery Meeting via Zoom for any SME looking to find out how to avoid HR problems and take a pro-active approach to their HR. Within this time, we will:

      • Discuss what you currently have in place and highlight any gaps.
      • Identify where you are most vulnerable and currently at risk. Identify the biggest HR issues or challenges and discuss strategies to resolve these.
      • Provide a demonstration of

To book a Zoom-meeting please contact Katherine on 01702 216573 or [email protected] who will co-ordinate diaries and find a mutually convenient time.

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